Process for Supervisors in UK HealthCare and the College of Medicine
Should an employee inform his/her supervisor of a possible qualifying event for FML (or in the event an employee is not working when the knowledge of needing FML arises) the supervisor should complete the FML notification form and submit a copy of the form to the FMLA office. The form should be signed by both the employee and supervisor and a FML application should be given to the employee. The employee has 15 calendar days from the date it was given to him/her to submit the application for review. This date shall be recorded on the memo notification. The application can be submitted directly to the Family Medical Leave Office by email ( or fax (859-257-2010 or 859-257-1679).
When the application is received by the FML office, it will be approved, denied, etc., and email copies will then be sent to the employee and supervisor.