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HR Training and Development, in collaboration with Information Technology, is pleased to administer the Staff Laptop Loan Program. This important staff development initiative provides staff with an opportunity to increase skills, knowledge and education and further engagement and commitment to learning and professional growth. The development of the Staff Laptop Loan Program is based upon a recommendation by the University's Work-Life Career Advancement and Professional Development Committee.

The program will provide staff with an opportunity to develop computer skills that will be mutually beneficial to the employee and the university. We envision building a culture of learning as employees need access to information and access to education, training, and development opportunities. The Staff Laptop Loan Program will further this vision!

Apply for a laptop loan
Download an application

Program eligibility

There are two basic criteria for participation in the program:

  1. Participation will be limited to regular, exempt and non-exempt employees who have fulfilled New Employee Orientation Training and successfully completed their ninety (90) day orientation period (benefits eligible employees with at least 0.5 FTE or greater); and
  2. Proof of enrollment in either academic coursework, active participation toward obtaining a GED, or enrollment in a non-academic program leading to certification of a trade or other profession.

Staff who meet these criteria and are interested in participating must complete a simple University of Kentucky Staff Laptop Loan Program Application. The application must be submitted to Human Resources Training and Development for review where it will be approved or denied.

An application will be approved if the two basic criteria for participation are satisfied. Laptops will be issued on a first-come, first served basis. If all laptops have been issued and are currently on loan, the approved participant will be placed on a wait list for the next available unit and notified when another laptop is available. Valid UK Identification and picture ID is required when checking out a laptop. Maximum checkout period is one academic unit based on the program for which the employee is enrolled (i.e. semester, trimester, quarter, etc.), renewable for another period if no one is on a waitlist to be issued a laptop AND as long as the two basic criteria for program participation are still in effect. This is not a program for overnight or weekend checkout or loan. Current employees participating in this program that have failed to return a laptop within the agreed assignment will lose the opportunity to participate in the program.

How do I apply?

Step 1:

Complete a Staff Laptop Loan Program Application and forward to:

                Jamie Stephens
                HR Training and Development
                Phone: (859) 257-9452

Step 2: The Staff Laptop Loan Program Administrator will review applications, either approving or denying based upon current program eligibility.
Step 3:

If approved, the applicant will be contacted to schedule equipment pick-up. When picking up the laptop, the employee will need to provide a valid government issued photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, passport) and complete and submit the following paperwork:

  • Staff Laptop Loan Agreement
  • Off-Campus Equipment Form
Step 4: The employee must return all equipment by the date due on the Loan Agreement.

What would be my responsibility if I am loaned a laptop?

The following are the employee responsibilities for participation in this program:

  • Employees are responsible for the proper care and use of all computers issued to them for use in this program. All equipment must be used in accordance with this policy.
  • Employees are responsible for lost equipment, as well as laptops damaged due to dropping, spilling liquids or exposing the unit to the elements, including replacement costs at fair market value.
  • If equipment is stolen, the employee must notify the UK Police and the Staff Laptop Loan Program Administrator so that a police/security report and a Capital Equipment Theft report may be completed.
  • Employee signs the "off-campus equipment" form.
  • A physical inventory of the equipment must be performed on an annual basis by the Staff Laptop Loan Program Administrator. If an inventory is requested while the laptop has been issued to an employee, the employee will be notified and will be responsible for bringing the laptop to campus so an audit may be performed.
  • Employees must operate the equipment in accordance with the University’s Policy Governing Access To and Use of University Information Technology Resources.
  • Employees are required to access the internet at least once monthly to receive system updates, etc. for the laptop.
  • Equipment must be returned in good working condition with no damage beyond normal wear and tear.
  • The laptop must be returned within or BY the date assigned or the employee will lose the opportunity to participate in this program.


April 16, 2024

Annual period for employees to convert temporary disability leave to vacation leave now available through April 30

The annual period for University of Kentucky employees to convert their temporary disability leave (TDL) to additional vacation leave (VL) is now available through April 30.   Employees may request conversion of TDL hours to additional vacation leave through Employee Self Service in myUK. Employees should log into myUK, access Employee Self Service and select Working Time and Leave Requests.