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Please review the information below if someone associated with your department needs access to myUK Learning.

“Externals” and “External Learners” - Definitions for Two Types of UK Affiliates:

Externals: associated contractors and vendors who need a Wildcard/badge for UK building access to fulfill business responsibilities. “Externals” receive a linkblue ID and Wildcard/badge, but do not need access to myUK Learning. Requests for External access should be sent directly to ITS Customer Service for fulfillment via Customer Assistance Request Form

External Learners: associated contractors, vendors, healthcare/academic affiliates who need to complete required UK training courses via myUK Learning to fulfill business responsibilities. “External Learners” receive a linkblue ID, UK email, and SAP assignment. Please follow the procedures below for setting up an External Learner.

External Learner Position Requests:

  • Departmental requests for External Learner positions can be submitted via the designated Service Now Self-Service form: Self Service Catalog.
  • Requestors must use the Service Now Self-Service form and complete all required information. ITS Customer Services can assist with questions on completing the self-service form.
  • Requests are assigned to and completed by the Enterprise Applications (EA) HR Team. 
  • Once the completed form is submitted and the position is created by the EA HR Team, Department Business Officers can then create External Learner assignments in SAP.

External Learner Assignments:

  • Create External Learner assignments: after an External Learner position is created, Business Officers can create the appropriate External Learner assignments via PA40 action in SAP - Create External Learner Assignment QRC. Access to this SAP action can be requested (if it is not available) for any Business Officer by submitting a Customer Assistance Request Form.
  • End External Learner assignments: Business Officers must end External Learners in SAP when the assignment has completed or External Learner no longer needs access to myUK Learning - End External Learner Assignment QRC.
  • Withdrawn to External Learner: Business Officers should use the Withdrawn to External Learner SAP action if individuals have previously been assigned as an External Learners and need to be re-activated into new External Learner assignments - Withdraw to External Learner Assignment QRC.

Annual Usage Audit:

  • The EA HR Team will conduct an annual External Learner usage audit and report in June of each year.
  • External Learners who have not accessed myUK Learning in six months prior to June 1 must be reviewed by Business Officers to determine whether they should remain in an active SAP assignment, or if the SAP assignment needs to be ended. The EA HR team will send a usage report to Business Officers for review.
  • Inactive External Learners should be separated by Business officers effective July 1. Business Officers will send External Learner exceptions to this requirement to the EA HR Team, with requests stored for one year.
  • EA HR Team will validate separations by July 31.

Licensing and Administration:

Active External Learners are licensed users for SuccessFactors Platform and Learning as well as MS Office.  Associated licensing counts will be tied to an annual usage audit that will be completed by EA HR Team. SAP SuccessFactors will be provided with licensing counts to ensure contractual compliance each year.

The External Learner Administrator with EA HR Team coordinates the annual usage audit, completes license count reports, answers questions from Business Officers, and is the point of contact for External Learner procedures.


April 16, 2024

Annual period for employees to convert temporary disability leave to vacation leave now available through April 30

The annual period for University of Kentucky employees to convert their temporary disability leave (TDL) to additional vacation leave (VL) is now available through April 30.   Employees may request conversion of TDL hours to additional vacation leave through Employee Self Service in myUK. Employees should log into myUK, access Employee Self Service and select Working Time and Leave Requests.