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Like any other citizen, a staff employee is free to engage in political activities so far as the employee is able to do so within the law and consistent with the obligations of the employee’s position at the University. When a staff member is able to demonstrate with reasonable certainty that participating in a political compaign and/or holding a public office will not interfere with the employee’s position responsibilities, participating in such a campaign and/or holding such an office may be permitted without the necessity of a leave of absence. The normal work week for a nonexempt full-time staff employee is thrity-seven and one half (37.5) hours per week. The normal work week for an exempt full-time staff employee is at least forty (40) hours per week.



A staff employee may campaign for elective office with out requesting a leave of absence provided the campaigning activities do not interfere with the employee’s normal work schedule.

A staff employee may request and may be granted vacation time for campaigning activities.

A staff employee who judges that campaigning activities will interfere with the normal work schedule may request a leave of absence without pay.

A request for leave without pay for campaigning activities shall be submitted in a timely manner to the department.

  • All archived versions of this policy