Episode 10 Becoming Wildly Resilient: Investing in Yourself
In this episode, Dr. Nichole Huff, an Assistant Professor of Family Finance and Resource Management, joins host Jakob Hester to talk about financial well-being. Listen as they discuss financial literacy and the foundation skills that make it up, as well as some common financial setbacks and traps we face in life. You’ll also hear how our financial habits can develop a reciprocal relationship with other dimensions of our well-being.
Mentioned in this Episode
- Community Resource: UK Cooperative Extension Service
- Community Resource: UK Family and Consumer Sciences Extension
- Article: marriage and money
- Book: “Flipping a Switch: Your Guide to Happiness and Financial Security in Later Life” by Barbara O’Neill, Ph.D., CFP
- Webpage: Money Talk from Dr. Barbara O'Neill
- Financial Tool and Pledge: Kentucky Saves initiative
- Employee Tools and Literacy Education Services: Enrich, now featuring free live financial experts
- Community Resource: MoneyWi$e newsletters and Facebook page
- Upcoming Series: “Living with Loss: Playing the Hand You are Dealt” with UK Family and Consumer Science Extension, April 20-May 27
- Podcast: “Talking FACS” from UK Family and Consumer Sciences Extension
- Playlist: A Wildly Resilient Playlist, email your suggestions to healthandwellness@uky.edu
- Upcoming Events: UK Human Resources calendar