University-wide Navigation

If you're interested, we encourage you to develop your own creative way to support the well-being of your community of colleagues. 

These questions are designed to help you think about what might work well in your college or area. 

  1. What are some of your favorite ways well-being and community have been enhanced within the areas you’ve worked?
  2. What are you hearing from your co-workers that might contribute to their well-being? Any trends?
  3. Without any additional resources or authority needed, what might you do to contribute to your team’s well-being?
  4. Reflecting on the previous three questions, what are one or two ways you could promote well-being and community specifically during the week of May 3-7?

Keep in mind that while the university-wide well-being week is scheduled May 3-7, you might plan activities after that week or before. Do what works best for your area.