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Holidays are often filled with lots of time spent with family and friends, traveling to and fro, laughter and sometimes tears. We usually look forward to this time with great anticipation. Sometimes we travel many miles with hopes to reconnect with loved ones, make special memories, relax and eat some good food. These are some of life’s special moments.

No matter the time of the year, we all want to feel a real sense of connection with our families. Parents cherish these special moments and the opportunity for extra time with their children. During this time, many create special family traditions such as watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, decorating the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving or watching their favorite holiday movies. However, this year you may feel a bit of loss due to travel restrictions and concerns over the spread of COVID-19. These are challenging and unique times for sure.

Most of us will be home this holiday season and beyond. While home, we can look at this time as an opportunity to further connect with our immediate family. We are all learning to be flexible, creative and expect the unexpected--not to mention showing kindness and compassion towards others and ourselves. There are many ways we may choose to connect, like creating art, playing games, watching TV or movies, going for walks or hikes or simply talking and enjoying the time to relax and spend time together. Here are some fun and engaging ways you can explore for connecting with your family this season and beyond: 


Younger Children

Older Children, Teens, Young Adults

Family Engagement

You can learn about the ways UK HR Work-Life supports parents and caregivers here.