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Those with dementia do best with routine. A predictable environment offers a sense of control and provides a level of comfort. It helps maintain health and happiness. Many of our loved ones had a routine in place, but in March, everything changed. Everything that was familiar was upended, making life harder for those with dementia and their caregivers.

Our loved ones with dementia may not understand why family isn’t visiting, or why everyone is staying at a distance and wearing masks. All of this change can be frightening and disorienting to them.   

Caregivers need solutions. UK Elder Care wants to help you find those solutions.

Our 5th Senior Caregiving Conference will be held virtually on Friday, November 6

Register here for the webinar!

The conference is made up of two events:

1-3 p.m.

Webinar with nationally recognized dementia care educator Teepa Snow. Teepa will be discussing “Practical and Reasonable Dementia Care During a Pandemic.”

3-4 p.m.

Virtual Resource Fair with local exhibitors representing several different areas of elder care service and support. They will join us to discuss their services and how those services might be able to help you with your caregiving responsibilities. Even if you don’t attend the webinar you can come visit with our exhibitors. 

If you register for the webinar you will receive an email shortly before the conference date with the conference program which will list all participating exhibitors and links to their dedicated exhibitors spaces on Zoom. You’ll also be able to find this list on the conference website.

You can visit as many exhibitors as you want during the course of the resource fair. A list of exhibitors can be found here.


Before you attend the Virtual Resource Fair:

  1. Talk with your loved one about their preferences and desires as they age. Don't assume you know what type of care they may or may not want. Ask. Find out what they envision for their future. Where do they see themselves living next year, two years or even five years from now? Would they prefer to stay at home with in-home care or would they rather move to a care facility?
  2. Have a conversation about their finances. As difficult as this may be, it is extremely important for future care planning. What funding do they have, and where is it? Are you legally able to access it if they are not in a position to do so? Caregiving can be expensive and the future care costs for your loved one needs to be addressed.
  3. Look around; observe their situation. Has their normally well-kept home become neglected and unkempt? Has their personal hygiene become questionable? Would a few hours of assistance each week help your loved one stay independent and safe? Is a more constant presence needed to assist with personal care and medication reminders?
  4. Review your loved one’s necessary legal documents. Do they have an advanced health care directive/living will, a durable POA (Power of Attorney), a medical POA/health care surrogate and a will? When someone becomes unable to speak for themselves, these documents assure their wishes will be known.

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself. Whether you are noticing changes now or just want to be prepared for the future, please join us November 6 on Zoom for the UK Senior Resource Fair.


I hope to see you there!
