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When someone makes a difference in your workweek, there are many ways to tell them you noticed, including on LinkedIn.


Saying thank you and recognizing coworkers happens all the time on LinkedIn, so it’s an easy platform to give shout outs because it’s expected.


The professional networking platform LinkedIn is also a place where your shout outs have staying power and could even positively impact your colleague’s career. Because your LinkedIn connections include past, present and future coworkers and other contacts, depending on how you choose to give a shout out, your coworkers’ network and possibly even future employers will see them getting recognized.

4 ways to say thanks on LinkedIn

1. Include a nice message when you add them as a LinkedIn connection

Only your colleague will see this message, so it’s a great way to privately show your appreciation.

2. Give Kudos

You'll see this built-in feature as an option when you create a public post. The kudos feature allows you to give your colleagues one of a few fun visual badge options. These options include:

  • Inspirational leader
  • Thank you
  • Team player
  • Going above and beyond

3. Give skill endorsements

Endorsements are one of the quickest and easiest ways to show a colleague you see the value of their strengths. When visiting a connection's profile, LinkedIn displays a list of skills they and others believe they possess. Check off the skills you’ve seen them show throughout your work together.

4. Give recommendations

Recommendations are personalized notes that you can write about someone you’ve worked with—whether a manager, coworker or otherwise. Recommendations that you choose to accept will stay visible on your profile for future employers and colleagues to see. The person receiving the recommendation always has the choice to accept, dismiss or ask for a revision of the recommendation.