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Remote work is most effective when employees and supervisors communicate clearly about expectations. Supervisors, use this checklist to establish a foundation for effective teamwork and continued productivity and service to the UK community.

Understand relevant policies and expectations

  •  Make sure your employee understands the expectations and policies related to remote work and why their job responsibilities may or may not be suited for working remotely.
  •  ​Be clear about your expectations for maintaining their current work schedule and responsibilities or their flexible schedule based on operational needs.

Review technology needs and resources

  •  Identify technology tools employees use in their daily work and determine whether the resources will be accessible when working from home.
  •  Ensure employees know how to access technical support should they need assistance.

Create a work plan

  •  What routine responsibilities/tasks cannot be fulfilled while working remotely and how will it impact operations, other employees, services or customers?

    • What are ways to reduce the impacts?
  •  What routine responsibilities/tasks require regular communication and collaboration with others?

    • What are ways to proactively contact each to confirm how you will communicate while working remotely?
  •  Often, employees experience fewer interruptions while remote working. Are there any special projects or tasks you can advance while working remotely?
  •  What events or meetings are scheduled during the time in which the temporary remote work arrangement is in place?

    • Will they be postponed or canceled, or will they take place using technology or other employees?
    • What follow-up needs may occur due to postponements or cancellations?

Make a plan for communication and accountability

  •  Tell employees how often they should send updates on work plan progress and what those updates should include.
  •  Communicate how quickly you expect the employee to respond and how they should contact you while working remotely.
  •  Conduct regular check-ins.
  •  Maintain team meetings and one-to-one check-ins, altering the schedule if needed to accommodate any alternative schedules that have been approved.
  •  The employee’s completed work product is the indicator of success, rather than direct observation. By focusing on the employee’s work product, remote work managers will improve their organizational abilities and their own skill in managing by objectives.

Don't forget about employee well-being

  •  A positive attitude toward remote working and a willingness to trust employees to effectively work remotely remote work is key to making such arrangements successful and productive.
  •  Encourage all employees, both remote and on-site, to care for their well-being.
  •  Use phone calls and video chats to increase interpersonal interaction.
  •  Encourage employees to unplug when their work is done and to focus on their self and family care.