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  1. If you run a report in the background, you will need to go to SM37 to retrieve the results and check it’s status. Make sure that your User ID and the correct date is on the selection screen, then select the Execute icon:

2. Jobs run in Easy Reporter will be named Spinifex and you can see the status of the job here. Once the job is finished you can select it by checking the box next to the name and then click on the Spool icon at the top:


3. The next screen will show you a list of the reports that were generated (normally this will be just one report), it also gives you the number of pages. Check the box next to the spool number and click on the glasses at the top.

4. If your report was more than 10 pages, you will need to change the settings so that you can view and/or download the full report. Click on the settings button, and change the To page to a number at least as large as the report.