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The University of Kentucky is excited to announce online W-2 open enrollment allowing currently employed faculty, staff and students the opportunity to receive their 2019 Form W-2 online through myUK Employee Self Service. 

The University of Kentucky is required to issue Form W-2 to all University of Kentucky employees by January 31, 2020 for the previous calendar year. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations require the University to provide specific information (see below) to employees regarding the election of receiving their Form W-2 electronically and to obtain consent from all employees who choose to receive their Form W-2 electronically. 

Please note: Employees who previously enrolled to receive their Form W-2 online through myUK Employee Self Service do not need to enroll again. Your election will remain in effect for future years unless you change your election or separate employment from the University. 


Choosing the new online W-2 option is easy. Simply select the online option no later than January 14 (Step 1 below), then access your online W-2 later that month (once you have been notified it is available). 

Step 1: Select the online W-2 statement option through myUK Employee Self-Service: Click here for instructions

Step 2: Access the online W-2 once it is available in late January: Visit this page for instructions

Please note: No action is required for employees who wish to continue receiving printed W-2 forms by mail. They will have a paper W-2 form printed and mailed by the University of Kentucky no later than January 31, 2020, to the employee’s permanent address on file in the SAP HR/Payroll system. Employees who have separated employment from the University of Kentucky will have a W-2 paper form printed and mailed. 

IRS Disclosure Information

If you have questions, please visit UK Payroll Services online or call 859-257-3946. 

  • Hardware and software requirements to receive Form W-2 electronically include a computer with internet access, web browser and a link blue ID and password.
    * Internet Explorer 9 or 10 and Firefox are recommended for optimal user experience in the myUK portal.

  • Employees must give consent prior to receiving Form W-2 online in an electronic only format.
  • If you do not consent to receive your Form W-2 electronically a paper Form W-2 will be mailed to the permanent address on file in the HR/Payroll system.
  • If you do consent to receive your Form W-2 electronically only, the University of Kentucky will not mail you a paper Form W-2.
    * You will need to access your Form W-2 through myUK Employee Self Service (ESS) to view and print your Form W-2.
  • Any time during the open enrollment period of December 1, 2019 – January 14, 2020 employees may change their election and choose to receive a mailed paper Form W2.
    * If the election period is closed employees may choose to change their election by contacting Payroll Services: Click here to visit the Payroll site or call 859-257-3946.
    * An employee’s withdrawal of consent will be effective the date received by Payroll Services and confirmed by email to the employee’s University email address.
    * Withdrawn consent does not apply to previously issued W-2 forms.
  • Your election will remain in effect for future years unless you change your election or separate employment from the University.
    * Separation from the University will result in a paper Form W-2 being mailed to the permanent address on file in the HR/Payroll system.
  • An employee may still receive a mailed paper Form W-2 even if they elected to receive an electronic Form W-2 by contacting Payroll Services any time after February 29.
    * Requests for paper Form W-2 does not withdraw the employee’s consent for electronic delivery of future W-2s.
  • Employees W-2 forms will remain available online in Employee Self-Service for at least 5 years. Previous W-2 forms for years 2012 and prior are not available online. Employees may request copies of prior year forms by contacting Payroll Services.
    * Employees may be required to print and attach Form W-2 to their annual tax return(s).