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According to a Mayo Clinic study published in May 2023, menopause costs American women an estimated 1.8 billion dollars in lost working time per year.  Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, increased depression and anxiety, pain, and many other symptoms affect work performance and reduce job satisfaction. And a 2022 article published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that “around one-third of women reported moderate to severe difficulties coping at work because of menopausal symptoms”.

Empowering Menopause: A Holistic Well-being Journey is a comprehensive 6-week series designed to empower participants with the knowledge, research-based tools and support they need to navigate challenges, discover resources, and embrace the opportunities that menopause offers.

Each session will focus on a specific well-being area that can impact menopause and participants are encouraged to sign up for any (or all!) of the sessions.

In this session, Movement with exercise physiologist Dr. Carrie Davidson, she'll explore the importance of strengthening, stretching, and moving the body through these menopausal changes.

This session will be delivered via Zoom!

Registration will open on Friday, March 14th!