Experienced leader 9-week academy
Continue to maximize your leadership potential
Based on the book Leadership from the Inside Out by Kevin Cashman, this academy encourages and supports you in continuing to maximize your leadership potential.
Grow and connect online with leaders across the university
Join us and your fellow leaders from across the university for 9 weeks of meaningful, challenging self-study plus thoughtful discussion. In addition to weekly Zoom meetings, you’ll also have access to our Microsoft Teams channel.
Learn from a bestselling classic
Required reading
As part of the academy, you can expect challenging work connected to the book Leadership from the Inside Out by Kevin Cashman. Assigned readings need to be completed before class so you're ready to add to our discussion.
Upon acceptance in the academy, you will receive a copy of the book and a few additional items.
Course cost
The cost to attend is $100.
Apply now
Ready to commit to the full 9-week academy? Complete the Experienced Leader Intake Questionnaire beginning June 1st. Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation letting you know we received your information and you will be placed on the list of prospective attendees. Several weeks prior to the start of the academy, we will contact you to let you know if a space has been reserved for you, including payment information.
If you have any questions, please email train@uky.edu.