Turn your Retirement Savings into Income, Presented by Fidelity
Hear from a Fidelity representative as part of our annual speaker series on retirement planning. Part of the 2022 Retirement Conference.
This workshop will help you learn why it’s important to have a plan for generating income in retirement, factors to consider when transitioning your savings into retirement income and how to develop a retirement income plan.
Speaker: Mike Fischer, CFP
Mike Fischer, a Fidelity director, retirement planner, has more than 14 years with the company. He was previously a retirement representative for Fidelity's Personal Investing Group. As a Certified Financial planer-certified investment advisor representative, registered securities representative, and licensed insurance representative, Mike holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Northern Kentucky University.
To view the presentation after the event, click here.
NOTE: Sessions are open to UK employees only. Spouses are not eligible to attend. However, sessions will be posted online in the weeks following the conference.