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UK Student Center Harris Ballroom

11 a.m. Check-in
11:15 a.m. – Noon Lunch buffet
Noon – 1:00 p.m. Retirement Health Benefits
1:00 – 1:30 p.m. Question and Answer & wrap up

NOTE: The event will be capped at 288 in-person participants. Those attending in-person events, should complete a COVID-19 screening survey here.

Hear from retirement officers and a pharmacist with the UK HR Benefits team as part of our annual speaker series on retirement planning.

You'll receive an overview of the retirement process for employees eligible to retire from UK including:

  • University Administrative Regulations for "Early Retirement" and "Normal Retirement"
  • Current health benefits for UK retirees
  • Phased retirement
  • Working retiree benefits
  • Payouts and more resources and benefits
  • Prescription coverage offered

Time will be allowed for questions and answers. Please join us for this informative discussion.

Speakers: Terri Kanatzar, Hannah Farmer and Cara Tackett, Retirement Officers and Travis Albrecht, PharmD

Hannah, Terri, and Cara provide personalized retirement planning sessions to employees during one-on-one appointments. They also help employees understand their options for retiring and all the benefits available to them.

Travis is a licensed pharmacist with Know Your Rx Coalition. He has been a pharmacist with the Coalition since 2015 and prior to this was a staff pharmacist for the KY Clinic Outpatient Pharmacy.  He enjoys speaking with patients and helping them understand their medications – both the pharmaceutical logic behind each prescription as well as how the patient could save money by switching to a safe, effective, cheaper alternative.

NOTE: Sessions are open to UK employees only. Spouses are not eligible to attend. However, sessions will be posted online in the weeks following the conference.