If you work in a campus area where you use the Kronos timekeeping system, you'll only use Kronos to record your working time.

STEPS time entry
We're improving STEPS time entry
We have improved time entry for STEPS employees.
You will either use your area's Kronos timekeeping system, or you will enter your working hours in Fieldglass, an online system accessible through myUK, depending on where you work. Below, you'll find information about how these new time entry systems work specific to your type of STEPS position. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these systems. If you have any questions, please call Marty Jacks at (859) 257-9561 or email gmjack2@uky.edu.
If you work in a UK HealthCare area that uses the Kronos timekeeping system, you'll only use Kronos to record your working time.
If you are a campus STEPS employee in an area where you do not use Kronos, you'll enter your time online in Fieldglass, a new system accessible through myUK. You'll also use this method if you have multiple STEPS assignments (including UK HealthCare assignments) or if you work in the College of Medicine basic sciences areas.
Campus Kronos users
If you are a STEPS employee in a campus area that uses the Kronos timekeeping system, you will record your working hours with Kronos. You will only need to clock in and out using Kronos each time you start and stop working. To get access to Kronos or make corrections to your time, please contact your direct supervisor.
Submitting corrections
If you need to submit any corrections to working hours, you can use these forms. You must submit any revisions by 10 a.m. on the Monday following the end of the pay period. Please submit these forms to TempEmpTimesheets@uky.edu.
View this guide to using Kronos to record your working hours.
UK HealthCare Kronos users
If you are a STEPS employee in a UK HealthCare area that uses the Kronos timekeeping system, you will use Kronos to enter your working time. You will only need to clock in and out using Kronos each day. To get access to Kronos or make corrections to your time, please contact your direct supervisor.
Submitting corrections
If you need to submit any corrections to working hours, you can use these forms. You must submit any revisions by 10 a.m. on the Monday following the end of the pay period. Please submit these forms to TempEmpTimesheets@uky.edu.
UK HealthCare Kronos FAQs
For employees
For managers and supervisors
I work remotely. How will I enter time?
STEPS employees will be automatically set up with web access which will allow for time entry while working remotely. However, you will need to work with your supervisor to ensure this is appropriate for your position.
Which time clocks will be available to me to clock in and out?
You will automatically have access to all Kronos time clocks near your work area. You should work with your supervisor to identify the time clocks that are most appropriate.
What information do I need to clock in and out?
To access Kronos time clocks, you will need a valid UK HealthCare badge or WildCard. If you do not have one, please work with your supervisor to obtain one from the UK HealthCare WildCard ID Office. The office is located in Chandler Hospital, room A.00.807. You can also contact the office at (859) 323-2356 or email SecurityIDbadges@uky.edu
I do not have a badge. Where do I get one?
You and your supervisor should work together to obtain a badge or WildCard from the UK HealthCare WildCard ID Office. The office is located in Chandler Hospital, room A.00.807. You can also contact the office at (859) 323-2356 or email SecurityIDbadges@uky.edu
My badge is very old. Will it still work?
If your badge allows access to your work area, the badge should work with the Kronos time clocks. If you have trouble, please work with the UK HealthCare WildCard ID Office to obtain an updated badge.
It doesn’t appear that I am in Kronos. What should I do?
If you are in a position that is funded by a grant, you will not be able to leverage Kronos for timekeeping purposes. You will use an online system called Fieldglass, accessible through myUK. You will need to create a user account for this system, and your supervisor will approve your time using this system. This system will not be available until February 28. Until that time, you will continue to submit paper time sheets.
If you have multiple assignments within STEPS or with a UK HealthCare department outside of STEPS, you will not be able to track both assignments using Kronos. You will use an online system called Fieldglass, accessible through myUK. You will need to create a user account for this system and your supervisor will approve your time using this system. This system will not be available until February 28. Until that time, you will continue to submit paper time sheets.
My STEPS employees work as needed and do not have a set schedule. How will this be handled?
Most employees will appear in the Kronos scheduling tool. You may set up schedules for the shift your employee is expected to work, or they may simply clock in an out when they are needed to work.
I have an employee who works in another position in UK HealthCare. I understand they cannot use Kronos. Why is this?
Although STEPS employees are in Kronos, they are in a different personnel area. Unfortunately, Kronos cannot have the same person in two different personnel areas. Therefore, STEPS employees who have another UK HealthCare assignment will need to enter their work time for their STEPS position directly in to Fieldglass, which is an online time approval system accessible through myUK. As their supervisor, you will also need to access this system to approve your employee’s time.
My STEPS employees work off site. How will they be able to record time?
STEPS employees will be automatically set up with web access which will allow for time entry while working remotely.
I am not an approver in Kronos. What do I need to do?
If you are not an approver in Kronos, most likely there is an individual in your area who already has this responsibility for regular staff. We would recommend using this same resource for time approval for your STEPS employees, if possible.
My employee works long weekend shifts. Is it possible to only clock in at the beginning of the shift?
Employees are expected to clock in at the beginning of their daily shift and clock out at the end of their daily shift.
What if my employee only works a shorter shift? Will meal time still be removed?
If your employee works 4.5 hours or less, no meal period will be deducted. However, if your employee works five hours or more, they need to take a meal period. This time will be automatically deducted.
Online time entry users
If you are a campus STEPS employee in an area where you do not use the Kronos timekeeping system, you will enter your time online through a timekeeping system called Fieldglass, accessible through myUK. You will log in to myUK and find STEPS time entry in Employee Self Service.
If you have multiple assignments, this is the time entry system you will use.
STEPS employees
These video tutorials will help you with navigating the Fieldglass online time entry system.
Resetting your password
This video shows you how to reset your password before using Fieldglass for the first time, or if you have forgotten your password and need to reset it.
Basic time entry
This video takes you through the basics of online time entry.
Entering time for multiple cost centers
If your STEPS position is funded by multiple cost centers, this video shows you how to enter working time and divide it among multiple cost centers.
Enter time for multiple STEPS assignments
If you have more than one STEPS assignment, this video shows you how to enter working time for each assignment.
Navigating the online time entry system
This video shows you how to navigate through our online time entry system.
STEPS supervisors
If you're a supervisor, below are video tutorials on how you will approve working time through the STEPS online time entry system in myUK.
Registering your Fieldglass account
This video will show you how to create your Fieldglass account before using the system for the first time. You will receive an email from fieldglass@fieldglass.net with a unique registration code.
Time approval for supervisors
This video shows you how to approve hours for STEPS employees.
Allowing others to approve time on your behalf
This video shows you how to set up a proxy so someone else may approve time for you.