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STEPS Temporary Employment Payroll Schedule 
January -December 2025 

Time should be submitted for approval by the last Friday of the pay period. We strongly encourage STEPS employees to check their myUK (ESS) on the Tuesday morning prior to pay day Friday to verify hours are correct. 

Direct deposit is mandatory. Please maintain a current address in myUK. Please check out our STEPS Employment & Timekeeping Website to learn more about our systems: For Fieldglass direct timekeeping entry go to website:

If you have any payroll questions, please contact our office at 859-257-9555 option 2. 


Payroll Period Dates Date Paid  Payroll Period Dates Date Paid
BW0l 12/15-12/28 01/03/25  BW14 06/15-06/28 07/03/25
BW02 12/29-01/11 01/17/25  BW15 06/29-07/12 07/18/25 
BW03 01/12-01/25 01/31/25  BW16 07/13-07/26 08/01/25 
BW04 01/26-02/08 02/14/25  BWl7 07 /27-08/09 08/15/25 
BW05 02/09-02/22 02/2/25  BW18 08/10-08/23 08/29/25 
BW06 02/23-03/08 03/14/25  BW19 08/24-09/06 09/12/25 
BW07 03/0 -03/22 03/28/25  BW20 09/07-09/20 09/26/25 
BW08 03/23-04/05 04/11/25  BW21 09/21-10/04 10/10/25 
BW09 04/06-04/19 04/25/25  BW22 10/05-10/18 10/24/25 
BWl0 04/20-05/03 05/09/25  BW23 10/19-11/01 11/07/25 
BWll 05/04 -05/17 05/23/25  BW24 11/02-11/15 11/21/25 
BW12 05/18-05/31 06/06/25  BW25 11/16-11/29 12/05/25 
BW13 06/01-06/14 06/20/25  BW26 11/30-12/13 12/19/25