University-wide Navigation

Note: Leaving Jobs at UK

Every employee of the University is expected and required to give notice of resignation before leaving a position. Hourly paid (non-exempt) employees are required to give a two-week notice. Salaried (exempt) employees are expected to give a four-week notice. Student employees are generally classified as "hourly/non-exempt" and are required to give at least a two-week notice before resigning from a position. Student employees should contact their immediate supervisor for the department-required notice.

Failure to give a required notice can result in being ineligible for any position at the University of Kentucky.

I-9 and Drug-Free Policy Form Processing

Before you begin any position at UK, you must complete a federally required I-9 form and a University agreement supporting our Drug-Free Policy. Find information on I-9 processing and UK’s Drug-Free Policy »

National Background Checks

Nation-wide criminal background checks are conducted on every new employee of the University. New student employees will fill out a Disclosure and Authorization Form when completing the I-9 process.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit is mandatory for all UK employees. Learn how to enroll »

Tax Withholding Information

Generally, most student employees are exempt from FICA (Social Security) tax withholding; however, this exemption is qualified by the condition that a student must be enrolled and attending classes at least half-time at the University of Kentucky. In addition, they must be working in a student position.  Consequently, a Regular Full-time employee taking on a half-time workload would still have FICA withheld from their paycheck.

Environmental Health & Safety

All new employees of the University are required to view the "UK Safety Begins With You" video, which covers rules and regulations related to maintaining safe working conditions for everyone. New student employees should view the video presentation online. A printable acknowledgement form is included, which must be filled out by the new student employee and returned to Human Resources.

  1. Print and retain a copy of the Employee Safety Handbook.
  2. Print the OSHA Online Video/Handbook Acknowledgement Form, fill out all sections, and fax to Employee Records (859) 257-8514.

Additionally, please note that University employees in certain job positions may be required to undergo additional, specialized safety training. For more information, visit the Environmental Health & Safety Web site.

For more details on UK safety and hazardous materials handling, visit the Environmental Health & Safety Web site.

Discrimination and Harassment

The University of Kentucky does not tolerate sexual harassment of any kind. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical actions of a sexual nature. Racial Harassment of any kind is also prohibited by UK policy. No individual or identifiable group of persons shall on the basis of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in the context of employment or participation in a university course, program, service or activity. Racial harassment is a form of race discrimination. Student employees are required to familiarize themselves with UK policy by completing the Discrimination and Harassment Training on Blackboard. 

UK Policies and Procedures

Student employees are expected to adhere to all department-specific policies and procedures. New student employees should ask their supervisor for details concerning department-specific policies.

Separation From Employment

All employees of the University are considered "at will," which means that employment may be terminated at any time by either the employee or the University. Separation from University employment is considered either "voluntary," through resignation, or "involuntary," through termination, layoff, or abolishment of position. Other forms of involuntary separation may result from misconduct or from job-related performance reasons based on the nature and severity of the act or problem.

Grounds for dismissal for misconduct, which may be immediate with due consideration to the nature and severity of the act or problem, include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Insubordination, which includes, but is not limited to unwillingness to perform assigned duties;
  • Violation of University or department rules;
  • Falsification of the application for employment, time records, or other University records;
  • Any act which serves to defame or malign the reputation of the University;
  • Dishonesty on the job;
  • Imperiling the safety of University employees or the public, or possession of a deadly weapon on University property or while on University business other than by a staff employee authorized to possess a deadly weapon, i.e., police or security or military personnel;
  • Gambling on University property or while on the job;
  • Negligent destruction of University property;
  • Drug abuse, or the influence thereof, or the unauthorized use or consumption of, while on the job or while on University property;
  • Alcohol abuse, or the influence thereof, or the unauthorized use or consumption of, while on the job or while on University property;
  • Acts which constitute a violation of local, state, or federal law on University property or while on the job;
  • Incarceration in jail following a conviction of a misdemeanor or felony by a court of competent jurisdiction, which results in missing at least five (5) consecutive working days (see note below);
  • Job abandonment (see note below.);
  • Any action or creation or participation in a situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization;
  • Fighting, physical assault, physical violence or the threat of physical violence on University property or while on the job; or
  • Other misconduct on University property or while on the job.

*Note: Misconduct is considered to be acts in which the employee ultimately has control over and, therefore, are voluntary. An Employee Separation Sheet (see UK policy 12.4.1) shall indicate separation for these reasons as a Voluntary Quit.

Links and Resources

Office of Equal Opportunity

13 Main Building

Phone (859) 257-8927
Fax (859) 323-3739

UK Women's Place

106 Frazee Hall

Phone (859) 257-3564 or (859) 257-3574
Fax (859) 323-3646

UK Student Employment

106 Bosworth Hall

Phone (859) 257-9555 ext. 120 or 163
Fax (859) 257-7464