FMLA Process UK Campus Employees
FML Process for UK Campus Employees
If an employee recognizes his/her condition as potentially being FML the employee shall complete and submit the application for FML. All applications must be submitted directly to the FMLA office. Email: Fax: 859-257-2010 or 859-257-1679.
If an employee or Supervisor has a question about FML they should speak to the FML office at 859-218-5262.
Employee Responsibilities
Employees are responsible for the following actions related to complying with the FMLA:
- Providing the University with sufficient information to determine that an absence is covered by the FMLA, which would be the FMLA application.
- Notifying the University of the anticipated timing and duration of the absence.
- Providing 30 days advance notice of the need for an FMLA covered absence when the need is foreseeable for the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care, or for planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of the employee or a family member.
Note: When it is not practicable to provide 30 days notice, or when the need to be absent is not foreseeable, notice must be given as soon as practicable. If an employee does not provide at least 30 days notice of a foreseeable FMLA absence, the employee can be asked to explain the reason for the delay.
Note: Calling in "sick" without providing more information is not sufficient.
Family Medical Leave Request Process - Important Employee Information Checklist
- Complete the FML application. Employee completes the first portion, the physician completes the second portion. Make sure and sign the bottom of the first page.
- FML requests must be submitted thirty days (30) prior to leave. FML will not be approved retroactively except in the event of a medical emergency.
- Requests of intermittent FML will require recertification promptly at the end of approval dates listed in the final letter. Failure to provide timely recertification will result in absences not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act.
- Once completed, your FML application can be submitted to the FML office via email ( or fax (859-257-2010 or 859-257-1679).
- The University has 5 business days to respond to your request. You will be notified via UK email of our determination.
- If you are approved for FML, any hours used for this purpose (paid or unpaid) are deducted from the 12-weeks maximum allowance.
- While on FML, if an extension is needed, you will need to contact your Supervisor and the FML Administrator 5 days in advance of your original date of return. Additional documentation will be required from your Physician to support the extension.
- Upon your return to work, you will be required to turn in a return to work certification to your Supervisor. Please note that light duty is only allowed in a work related injury.
- If you have not received correspondence from the FML office, but you have sent the FML application to your health care provider, you may contact the FML office to see if your application has been received from your health care provider. Please note that healthcare providers complete applications at their own discretion, and follow their own office procedures when completing an FML application. FML regulations do not specify a time frame the health care provider must complete an application within.
- If an application has not been received by the FML office: The employee is responsible for contacting their health care provider, and resolving the issue regarding the delay in an FML application being sent to the FML office. Please notify the FML office as soon as “reasonably practicable” why there has been a delay in the FML office receiving the FML application.
Incomplete forms will not be processed.