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Generations in the Workplace is a three-hour workshop that describes the characteristics, values, and motivations of the five generations in the workplace. This workshop will identify how each generation defines success and will investigate the differences that impact communication and relationships in the work environment.

During this workshop we will:

  • Define the five generations and their workplace characteristics
  • Identify the common drivers and value systems of each generation and how those drivers and values affect motivation and behavior in the workplace
  • Illustrate generation-based workplace conflicts
  • Describe how each generation defines success and understand how the differences affect communication and relationships in the workplace


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Request this session for your group

In addition to any upcoming scheduled times noted under "Upcoming sessions," this session is also available by request for groups.

Use this form to request this session. You’ll receive a response by email as soon as possible, typically within one week, to discuss scheduling and more details. We appreciate requests made at least 6-8 weeks in advance. Every effort will be made to accommodate a shorter request time.

(UK faculty, staff – no students)
Preferred delivery mode
Note: many sessions have a predetermined, set amount of time