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Under the “Sponsored Dependent” program, employees may provide benefits to persons who reside in their households.  Employees must provide residency documentation for dependents who are not their spouse or child(ren).

Adult Sponsored Dependent 

To be eligible for benefits coverage as an adult sponsored dependent, an individual must:

  • Share a primary residence with covered UK employee, and have lived with UK employee at least twelve months prior to effective date of coverage
  • Be at least the age of majority
  • Not be a relative.  Definition of relatives: Parents, children, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, brothers- and sisters- in law, mothers- and fathers- in law, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, great nieces, nephews, great nephews, grandmothers, grandchildren, great grandchildren, grandfathers, great grandmothers, great grandfathers, sons- and daughters-in law and half- or step-relatives in the same relationships.\
  • Not be employed by the UK employee
  • Not be eligible for Medicare

Note- Children for whom the employee has legal guardianship continue to be eligible for the current Medical Benefits Plan.

Children of Adult Sponsored Dependent

To be eligible for benefits coverage as the child an adult sponsored dependent, an individual must:

  • Share a primary residence with UK-covered employee and Adult Sponsored Dependent and have lived with UK employee at least twelve months prior to effective date of coverage
  • Be under the age of 26
  • Be the natural born or adopted child of Adult-Sponsored Dependent
  • Be unmarried
  • Not be a relative of the covered UK employee (see the definition of relative above)

General Information

  • An Adult Sponsored Dependent cannot be covered on an employee’s benefit plans if a spouse is already covered.
  • Only one Adult Sponsored Dependent is eligible to be on an employee’s benefit plans, in addition to their eligible dependents.
  • Unless the Adult-Sponsored Dependent and/or his or her child(ren) are eligible for tax-free health coverage as defined by the IRS, the employee’s payroll deductions for adult-Sponsored Dependent coverage will be made on an “after-tax basis” and employer contributions for Sponsored Dependent coverage will be taxable income to the employee
  • Residency with a UK employee cannot be established for the primary purpose of obtaining benefits.