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Becoming Wildly Resilient

Life happens. With life come challenges. So, how can we thrive better at work, home, and beyond? That's the question Jakob Hester has been seeking answers to on the "Becoming Wildly Resilient" podcast. Since July 2020, he has been gathering a collection of mindsets, techniques and tools that we can use to grow our personal and collective resilience from monthly conversations with experts from around UK. In this interactive presentation, you will hear key takeaways from the show, plus be invited to explore how you and your teams can become wildly resilient. 

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In addition to any upcoming scheduled times noted under "Upcoming sessions," this session is also available by request for groups.

Use this form to request this session. You’ll receive a response by email as soon as possible, typically within one week, to discuss scheduling and more details. We appreciate requests made at least one month in advance.