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Determining salary

Once you have identified a preferred candidate, the next step is to determine the appropriate salary and extend an offer contingent upon the successful completion of the university's pre-employment screening requirements.

One important factor in any job offer is the salary. At UK, each regular staff position is assigned a grade level with a corresponding salary range. Our compensation philosophy is to remain competitive with the market for any position. We recommend employees with at least seven years of related experience should receive compensation at the midpoint for the salary range. 

Other considerations when establishing a salary are the department budget, the candidate's years of related experience and the compensation of other employees in comparable positions. HR Employment can work with you to determine a salary offer.

For regular staff positions, a hiring proposal must be approved by HR through IES prior to extending an offer. This would include any additional approvals required, such as a salary above the midpoint for the grade level.

To assist with determining a candidate's education and related experience, we have calculators available. 

For all other position types, the department determines the pay rate based on budget, education and related experience, job responsibilities, as well as the compensation of other similarly situated employees.

For additional information regarding the university's compensation requirements please review HR Policy and Procedure 30: Compensation Administration.

Extending the offer

Extending a job offer is a very important step in the hiring and selection process and should be well thought out and organized. You want to make a good impression, provide the right information and share your excitement for the possibility of the candidate joining your team.

During this conversation, you also will need to inform the candidate that all employment offers are contingent upon the candidate successfully completing the pre-employment screening requirements based on the position, department and work location.

To ensure you don't miss any details, we recommend using the Conversations for Extending a Job Offer tool.

In addition, many supervisors and candidates also appreciate an official offer letter. You can use this tool to help draft an offer letter.

Accepted offer, initiate pre-employment screening

Congratulations on your candidate accepting your job offer.

Now, you need to request a pre-employment screening through IES. Once you initiate the pre-employment screening request, an HR team member will reach out directly to your candidate to coordinate all required screenings.

Below are outlined guidelines of the pre-employment screenings based on three main areas of the university. Once your candidate has successfully completed all components of the pre-employment screening, you will receive an email stating your candidate is considered a viable candidate and you may proceed with the hiring process.

Campus – Non-health care colleges

Health care colleges

Hospital and clinical

For additional information regarding the university's pre-employment screening requirements please review HR Policy and Procedure 11: Pre-Employment Screening.

Some positions require an additional screening through E-Verify. This typically includes positions that are funded by federal contracts. For more information, click here.

Close out job posting

Once your candidate has successfully completed the pre-employment screening, you will need to communicate with all non-selected applicants. This includes calling all individuals interviewed as well as entering official dispositions for all applicants within IES.

Once all dispositions have been entered, the job posting will need to be marked as filled in IES. For staff,  faculty and STEPS positions, you will work with HR Employment to complete this step. For all student/other postings, you will be able to mark your new hire as hired and then the job posting as filled.


April 16, 2024

Annual period for employees to convert temporary disability leave to vacation leave now available through April 30

The annual period for University of Kentucky employees to convert their temporary disability leave (TDL) to additional vacation leave (VL) is now available through April 30.   Employees may request conversion of TDL hours to additional vacation leave through Employee Self Service in myUK. Employees should log into myUK, access Employee Self Service and select Working Time and Leave Requests.