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Meet up online or in-person with colleagues who share your interests. 


To create inclusive workplaces, these groups provide a collective voice for faculty and staff with common interests.


This group offers professional development events, a scholarship opportunity, an annual conference and an annual award.

More university-wide employee groups


April 09, 2021

Connecting with Colleagues and Giving Praise

It is important to take time to connect with our co-workers and show appreciation to each other for all that we contribute to the University of Kentucky. Technology is an essential part of the modern workplace and has made this easier than ever. Whether we are physically distanced or not, the programs and apps we use almost every day allow us to continue to connect. As campus (and the world) continue to open back up, we know that technology will continue to permeate our lives. Let's use it to our advantage.

April 09, 2021

Develop your own idea for championing well-being week

If you're interested, we encourage you to develop your own creative way to support the well-being of your community of colleagues.  These questions are designed to help you think about what might work well in your college or area. 

March 19, 2021

Virtual Speed Friending

Are you looking for a chance to connect with others? Are you ready to have some fun, laugh and take some time for yourself? Connecting with others can be a great way to lift your mood, learn about activities, meet others with similar interests and simply have fun. Join us for an engaging and fun get-together of UK employees. Lighthearted activities and conversation prompts will be provided so we can meet new people and make new friends.  

November 25, 2020

Nature Meditation and Haiku Writing Exercise

As we move into the holiday season, many of us tend to spend less time outdoors. We often carry stress in our bodies and feel exhausted from running around and meeting the emotional needs of others, while ignoring our own needs. Worry about the pandemic and the tough decisions we all face this holiday season can add to normal holiday stress. Many of us simply need to recover from nine months of "Zooming."