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Rooms within The Learning Center have been provided for the education and development of UKHealthCare staff. It is the intent of Enterprise Learning to make these available to staff as much as possible while maintaining the space and equipment in anesthetic and operating condition.

Users of the space are expected to follow all guidelines posted within the center related to security, equipment usage, room clean-up and food usage. It is also expected that anyone who has reserved a room for educational activities will cancel the reservation if the program is cancelled or moved to another area. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in denial of further requests for room usage.


  1. Call 257-9226 to request any room.
  2. Upon requesting a room, the requesting person will be asked to supply the following information

    • Name of person requesting
    • Name of department requesting
    • Phone number
    • Name and purpose of program
    • Dates requested Time requested Room requested (if there is a preference)
  3. If there is a need for instructors or students to access the center before or after normal business hours, the instructor must make arrangements to pick up the key to the center. It is possible for someone other than the instructor to pick up the key, but the instructor is the person who will be held accountable to the policy.
  4. All equipment that belongs to The Learning Center must be left within the classroom or other designated location within the center at the conclusion of the class/course. The projector must be turned off.
  5. If any of the equipment is not operating correctly, the personnel of the center should be notified or a note placed on the piece of equipment with an explanation of what is not working.
  6. Before leaving the center, all trash is to be placed into appropriate waste receptacles.
  7. The room should be arranged to its original configuration.