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Your communication skills can help you succeed — or hold you back. In any business role or function, you must be able to convey your ideas in ways that drive effective decision making, teamwork and action. Thankfully, communication is a learned skill that needs to be developed and sharpened on an ongoing basis. By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
·  Identify and describe the three modes of communication
·  Distinguish and define the common barriers to communication
·  Identify and apply techniques for more effective communication
·  Use active listening skills to improve communication
·  Recognize and apply important concepts of nonverbal communication

Request this session for your group

In addition to any upcoming scheduled times noted under "Upcoming sessions," this session is also available by request for groups.

Use this form to request this session. You’ll receive a response by email as soon as possible, typically within one week, to discuss scheduling and more details. We appreciate requests made at least one month in advance.

Upcoming sessions